3 Reminders to Help You Stay Safe Online

3 Reminders to Help You Stay Safe Online

Stay cautious when transacting online. Be careful with fraudsters who are pretending to be legitimate companies, charitable organizations, or online sellers. We urge you to be alert and only trust verified websites and sources.

Here are a few reminders to help you stay safe online:


Given the rise in demand for basic necessities, please exercise caution when buying items online, especially from sellers on social media. Verify the identity of the seller and check reviews before making a purchase.

Be vigilant for fake pages and posts as well that are seeking donations for illegitimate or non-existent charitable organizations. Fraudsters may take advantage of your generosity of you during this crisis for their own profit.


Don’t easily trust texts, social media messages, or emails from unknown senders as these may contain malware attachments or link to phishing websites. Do not click on links or download the attachments. Ignore messages that ask for your personal information, passwords, or OTP codes.

Take Note: NEVER share your password or OTP codes to anyone, especially to someone you don’t know. Coins.co.th will NEVER ask for your password or codes via email, text, or other means of communication outside of our sign in screens and transaction confirmations.


Through an act called phishing, fraudsters may use a fake website with a misspelled or very similar domain to the legitimate domain to collect your personal information. Make sure to always check the URL before entering your login details. (Read: How to Spot a Phishing Site)

Take note: Our official and recognized domain is only https://coins.co.th Only use our official mobile app and official website to log into your Coins.co.th account.

If you receive anything suspicious or encounter fake Coins.co.th pages, please inform us immediately by sending us an email at support@coins.co.th or by tapping Send us a Message in your app. We will be happy to assist you.

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