Fake LINE accounts and Coins.co.th apps are spreading!

Fake LINE accounts and Coins.co.th apps are spreading!

Malicious actors are impersonating the official LINE account and app of Coins.co.th to deceive users into transferring funds for cryptocurrency investments.

Please note:

  • ❌ Coins.co.th never solicits investments or offers to trade on behalf of customers.
  • ❌ Do not trust invitations to invest or promises of unrealistically high returns from unofficial LINE accounts or apps.
  • ❌ Never transfer money to personal accounts or any account that is not the corporate account of Coins TH Co., Ltd.

How to verify the official LINE account and Coins.co.th app:

  • ✅ The official LINE account must be "@coins.co.th" and have more than 16,000 followers.
  • ✅ Download the app only from the App Store or Google Play Store by searching for "Coins".

Official Coins.co.th contact channels:

If you encounter a fake LINE account or app, or have any suspicions, do not provide personal or financial information. Contact Coins.co.th immediately through the official channels above.

Coins.co.th urges everyone to be cautious and carefully verify information before making any transactions to ensure the safety of your assets.

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