Meet the New Coins App - Faster, Easier to Use, More Intuitive introduces an all-new look and feel for its app that makes it easier to start your crypto journeys
Meet the New Coins App - Faster, Easier to Use, More Intuitive

What’s new:

  • Coins has updated our app with a fresh look and easy to use.
  • Coins new app revamp will be gradually rolled out to all users.

Coins has evolved alongside the crypto landscape but we are still driven by a quest to give our users the most convenient and accessible crypto experience.

Today, we’re excited to announce an all-new Coins app!

The new Coins app retains all the features you have loved it for but now comes with a sleek look for the modern crypto user. It’s easier than ever to buy and sell your favorite cryptos, check on market movements The new app revamp will be rolled out gradually to users in the following days.

With our new app, we offer you the simplest user interface, yet retain the handy features you love. On the homepage, you can access your balance denominated in your local currency to keep you updated with your portfolio. With one click, you can buy, sell, send, or receive cryptos straight to your wallet..

As a crypto investor, we know you want to keep up with the latest events and trends in the fast-changing industry. With the new app, you get the latest news from some of the top publications, updated in real-time.

We look forward to hearing from you about your experiences using the revamped Coins app.

Coins app available both in iOS and Android
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