Major Upgrade - Here's What You Need to Know

Major Upgrade - Here's What You Need to Know

What's new in the important system update! For a more convenient, faster, and secure crypto trading experience.

Today, summarizes the updates to see what's different from before!

1. Identity verification and limits

The identity verification level will be changed from Level 1 - Level 4 to Level 0 - Level 2. In addition, the transaction limits for trading digital currencies have been increased more than before!

2. New wallet address

To improve your crypto experience, has updated your wallet address. Please note that sending crypto to your old Bitcoin wallet address may result in delays or permanent loss. We recommend that all customers delete your previously saved old wallet addresses on other platforms and update them to the new wallet address you will receive after the system upgrade is complete.

3. Cash out fees has adjusted the cash out fees. The fees are as follows:

  • Transactions with a value of 0 - 500,000 baht will incur a fee of 20 baht.
  • Transactions with a value of more than 500,000 baht will incur a fee of 50 baht.

4. Increase security for your account on the new has reset the use of two-factor authentication (2FA). Don't forget to enable 2FA to protect your account! You can see how to install two-factor authentication here!

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