Introducing Crypto Beta Services

Introducing Crypto Beta Services

Crypto Beta Services program offers you an alternative digital asset trading with 5 tokens available which include 1.Bitcoin (BTC) 2. Ethereum (ETH) 3. Xrp (XRP) 4. Tether (USDT) and 5. USD coin (USDC) and many more to come!

To ensure that every transaction with us remains flawless, there will be Personal Assistance that will help you in every way possible.

With the minimum order of 30,000 THB.

If you wish to start your journey with Coins' Crypto Beta Service, you can contact us in Operation hours : 09.00 AM - 17.00 PM (GMT+7 Bangkok time) via our contact information below.

Line Official Account: @coinsbetaservice

Email :

Phone number : (+66) 2-038-5288

Coins app available both in iOS and Android
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