What is XRP ?

What is XRP ?

Many people misunderstand that Ripple and XRP are the same thing, but actually Ripple is a Private/Consortium Blockchain network for financial institutions' payment transactions that uses XRP as a bridge currency or intermediary currency for cross-currency transactions.

Why should we trade XRP ?

Investors trust in the centralized nature and having an organization in control, which allows for faster development of various initiatives. Another factor is that Ripple's XRP coin cannot be "mined" for transaction confirmation, which makes investment only through coin accumulation.This is why XRP remains one of the popular coins and consistently ranked in the Top 10 cryptocurrencies.

XRP is a limited supply.

XRP is created with a total limited supply of 100 billion coins and cannot be created beyond that amount. 80% of the XRP coins are held by Ripple, the company behind XRP, and are gradually released into the market to maintain the market balance of the coin.Similar to Bitcoin, but XRP is used for cross-border financial transactions.

Every transaction that requires a fee is paid in XRP ,decrease in the volume of XRP coin. With this limited function, the more the XRP coin's volume decreases in the market, the higher its market value increases, This making XRP a desirable investment for market investors.

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