4 Investing Strategies To Consider In The Bear Market

4 Investing Strategies To Consider In The Bear Market

As a trader or investor, the bear market could hold some opportunities for us to still make some profit and accumulate more crypto. And in this article, we will discuss some of these strategies!


  • Bear Market is characterized by a period of low prices of an asset and slow growth.
  • Experienced traders can deploy investing strategies to increase profit potential during such challenging times.
  • Some of the most effective strategies in a bear market include crypto staking, buying the dip, short selling, investing in NFTs, and yield farming.
  • Bear markets won't last forever and usually are cyclic in nature.

A bear market is usually characterized by a period of low to no growth in an economy. In the crypto space, the bear market usually signals Crypto Winter or a period where cryptocurrencies are making lower lows and losing value.

As a trader or investor, the bear market could hold some opportunities for us to still make some profit and accumulate more crypto. And in this article, we will discuss some of these strategies!

What is a Bear Market?

The bear market is the antithesis of the bull market. Many dread the bear market because it is a period when prices of cryptocurrencies plummet and the red engulfs your entire portfolio. A bear market is defined by the downward movement of prices which typically occurs when investors' and traders' sentiments are low, owing to a dismal economic environment.

What is a Bear Market?

Bear markets can extend for months or even years, even so, skilled day traders in the cryptocurrency market can deploy bear market tactics to make profits despite the challenging market conditions.

Did you know: An average bear market last about 9 months.

What is a Bull Market?

Conversely, a bull market, is defined by uptrends because of the optimistic perspective that investors and traders have toward their assets. It may also occur when the economy is doing well, which encourages increased spending or investment.

What is a Bull Market?

A strong bullish sentiment, when combined with a healthy economy, can keep markets moving in an upward direction for a considerable number of months or even years.

Did you know: An average Bull Market last roughly 991 days or 2.7 years.

Bull Market vs. Bear Market

During a bull market, many crypto traders and investors are “winning” because cryptocurrency prices are breaking all-time highs and almost everyone experiences a green portfolio. Rising prices provide plenty of opportunities for traders to turn a profit.

Bear markets on the other hand have the potential to make cryptocurrency traders even wealthier. Using the appropriate tactics to deal with a bear market can help preserve cash flow while also opening up a lot of doors for you. In fact, one of the best ways to quickly profit from crypto is to take advantage of a market decline.

Investing Strategies for Bear Market

The greatest distribution of wealth takes place during periods of falling market prices. Your place on the spectrum, whether you are losing or winning, will be determined only by your perspective and the techniques you employ.

Here are a number of things you can do to save your funds while earning money during a crypto winter:

Short Selling

“Shorting” or Short selling is a type of trading strategy that allows investors to profit from a decline in the value of an underlying asset. It is dubbed "short selling" because even though you’re short of funds, you are still in a position to sell.

When shorting the marketing, the trader borrows an asset at a high price and sells it with the hopes to buy it back again at a lower price.

For example, John borrows 1 BTC, with a current price of US$10,000. He then sells it, giving him US$10,000 in cash. When the price of BTC drops to $8,000, he can then purchase 1 BTC, which gives him a surplus of US$2,000.

This is an oversimplification of how Short Selling works, but it requires additional technical analysis knowledge, fundamental analysis as well as experience doing such trades. There are also some caveats like contract expiry where the trader has to repurchase BTC by a certain date otherwise he will face losses.

Buying the Dip

“Buy the DIP!” This is probably the most common phrase you will see during a bear market. Buying the dip allows traders and investors to accumulate cryptocurrencies at lower prices during a downward trend in the market. Given this line of reasoning, it's not hard to see why so many seasoned investors seize the opportunity of buying the dips.

However, it can be quite challenging to figure out when the “ dips” are and if this is a real “dip”. During a bear market when portfolios are turning red, fear, uncertainty, and doubt grow as well which makes it hard to predict when the dip or the lowest point is.

Staking Your Crypto

Staking process of keeping your coins in a validator by doing so, you support the blockchain by verifying transactions and creating new blocks, in return, you get rewarded in crypto.

Yield farming

In yield farming, users can deposit USDC and in return for depositing USDC, they receive another token as a reward. Depending on the DeFi protocol used, the rewards will vary as well.

Taking Advantage of the Bear Market

During a crypto winter, many traders and investors tend to become emotional, coupled with a red portfolio can easily push a person over the edge and cause them to make poor decisions on trading or investing.

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt are the main culprits of people losing money in the market, hence, it’s best to maintain your composure and constantly lookout for opportunities that may arise during difficult circumstances

Disclaimer: The information and publications in this article are not intended to be and do not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice, or any other advice or recommendation offered or endorsed by Coins.

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