NDID Verification Guide with Coins.co.th

NDID Verification Guide with Coins.co.th
You must be a Thai national and have completed identity verification with a service provider

NDID is a platform to provide identity authentication (eKYC) that allows customers to do 100% online transactions such as eOpen Accounts, Digital Lending

Qualifications for verification via NDID

  1. Only “Thai nationals” are required to  complete  the online checking of the identification card and biometric comparison with Liveness detection
  2. Prior to initiating Coins NDID verification, customers must have already completed the NDID Digital ID registration with the identity providers (IdP)

Please see how to register  the NDID with the providers:

  • Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) here
  • Bangkok Bank (BBL) here
  • Bank of Ayudhya (BAY) here
  • Kasikorn Bank (KBANK) here
  • Kaitnakin Bank (KKP) here
  • CIMBThai Bank (CIMB) here
  • Government Housing Bank (GHB) here
  • TMBThanachart Bank (TTB) here
  • Government Savings Bank (GSB) here
  • Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) here
  • Advanced info services (AIS) here

Steps to verify your identity through NDID

  1. Begin by completing the additional steps required for KYC Level 1. Once done, choose the "Verify" option to proceed with NDID verification.
  2. Next, review the terms and conditions of NDID. Once you've read through them, select "I agree" to move forward.
  3. Explore the significance of NDID in the provided description. If you wish to proceed, click on "Let’s do it."
  4. you'll encounter the identity provider (IdP). Pick your preferred provider, preferably one you have already registered with, to continue.
  5. Subsequently, you'll have a 60-minute to navigate to the chosen provider's application and complete the NDID process.

For more information, please visit: https://ndid.co.th/en/faqs-en/

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